Copy Editing Services

My copy editing services get down to the nuts and bolts of language. I apply thirty-five years of expertise along with the relevant style guide for your project.

If the details below don’t describe the type of professional editing services or analysis you think your manuscript might need at this stage, consult my other service definition pages for manuscript evaluation, substantive editing, line editing, and proofreading.

If you’re still unsure or would just like to see how I can be of help, contact me and we’ll determine your next best steps together. No more time and energy wasted second-guessing. I’ll show you what to fix and how.

My copy editing services include:

  • editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation,
    and other mechanics of style; 
  • general fact-checking and ensuring internal consistency of facts; 
  • marking head levels and approximate placement of art; and
  • notifying the designer of any unusual production requirements.

They may also include:

  • applying Canadian, American, or British style;
  • applying Imperial or metric weights and measures;
  • providing or changing a citation system;
  • writing or editing captions, credit lines, and running heads;
  • listing permissions; and 
  • adding designer-written specifications for the typesetter or formatter.